• Services

    Individual Counseling

    Stacey practice specializes in treating women and helping professionals who are overwhelmed, worried and who may have overlooked their own self-care and well-being. As a counselor or therapist, your clients share highly emotional stories of anger, depression, trauma, and grief and if you are not routinely practicing self-care, you may begin to internalize some of the stories you hear. You may be feeling like you’re burned out, but you could also be struggling with compassion fatigue or secondary trauma. In a comfortable and supportive atmosphere, Stacey offers a highly personalized approach tailored to each of her client’s individual needs to help attain the personal growth they’re striving for.

    Individual and Group Licensure Supervision

    Licensure supervision is an important and necessary step in becoming a clinically competent counselor. It is an essential step in your journey to becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor and is also required by the state of Tennessee. Together we will navigate the licensure process and help you unlock your potential as you become the best counselor you can be.

    Peer Consultation for Professional Counselors

    Many clinicians in private practice find themselves feeling isolated and practice in a bubble where clinical decisions are made with very little professional support. Some even find they miss the support gained from licensure supervision and wish to find a professional group they feel comfortable talking with about business and client related issues. Practicing in isolation is a common pitfall and can cause ethical dilemmas if one is questioned about standards of care. Our peer group consultation provides networking opportunities and benefit of community feedback to help become more effective and skillful counselors.